3 Questions You Have to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Podcast

So, you’ve decided to start a podcast!! An idea came to you, and you were inspired to the point where you thought, Yes! I shall start a podcast! I think that’s great! I’ve been there too. So much happens between the birth of a thought and the final product. So, I’d like to help, to get you headed in the right direction. Here are three very vital things to consider before starting a podcast.

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The Who: Who are your listeners? Who is your demographic? Ideally, you want listeners of all types but narrowing it down can help you to fine tune your marketing strategy and research. Ask yourself, who will care about what I am saying? If it’s just your mom, then that’s totally ok. Nobody starts out being Oprah….except..ehrm… Oprah.

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The What: What will you be talking about? What subjects will you cover? Define your boundaries. Is your show narrative, scripted or conversational? Will you do interviews? What is your subject matter and how far outside of these bounds do you want, or not want to go? For example: we talk about film, fandoms, books and TV. We don’t talk about the personal life of the actors, we will talk about their upcoming projects but we’re not really interested in gossip, or the politics of it all. There’s nothing wrong with gossip or politics per say, however it’s just not our cup of tea. If you simply want to rant for 20 minutes about politics, you do you boo.

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The Why: Ask yourself—Why am I starting a podcast? This is by far the most important part of planning a podcast. At the same time your why does not have to be some transcendent truth, either. The answer may be as simple as, to have fun. That may seem vague, but if you start to do a podcast and you’re not having fun anymore, then you’ll know immediately that;

1. your core motivation is gone

2. something needs to change

3. adjustments need to be made.

And it is OK to redefine your why if you need to. For us fan girls, we want to bring fun, happiness and an escape to not only our listeners but to ourselves. As best friends, there is nothing better than sitting around and dishing about our favorite fandoms and having a whole heck of a lot of fun while doing it. Click Here to Listen to how the Fan Girls Podcast Got Started!

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Here is a free Downloadable template of The Who, The What & the Why, to help you get started answering these important questions!

Our Helpful Free Template

Good luck with your journey to starting a Podcast! You’ve got this!

Xo, The Fan Girls

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